William Creighton Correspondence: Review of Pauly’s Proposals, October 1818

This letter, dated October 26, 1818, from William Creighton of Boulton and Watt to James Brown in London, addresses Mr. Smith's potential role at the Ludworth Engine and the evaluation of innovative proposals by Jean Samuel Pauly. Creighton highlights Pauly's ideas for a novel boat propulsion system, indicating that the concept was under review for its potential to enhance maritime transport. Creighton recommends careful consideration of Pauly's ideas, reflecting the cautious approach to adopting new technologies prevalent in the early 19th century.
Key Points:
Mr. Smith's Employment: Creighton supports the hiring of Mr. Smith due to his experience and reliability in machinery management.
Pauly’s Boat Propulsion Proposal: Pauly’s innovative method for boat propulsion is noted, with Creighton suggesting it warrants detailed evaluation for practical application.


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