Pochet-Deroche, Rue J.J. Rousseau, 16 - Testimonial
I certify that, for ten years, I have been using the hunting guns with the system of Mr. Lefaucheux and his predecessor; that, of all the systems that have followed one another, the last one (the hinge-action gun) is the one that presents the most advantages. It has above all an undeniable superiority over break-action guns, which are very heavy and which can no longer be opened after about fifteen shots fired, because of the grime that forms between the action and the barrel. The hinge-action gun does not spit out like the break-action ones, it is much lighter in weight, and can fire more than a hundred shots without jamming; finally, I consider it as the gun that should be preferred over all systems known to this day.
Paris, February 15, 1836.
16 J.J. Rousseau Street.