Description des Machines et Procédés spécifiés dans les Brevets D’Invention (1825)

The Description des Machines et Procédés spécifiés dans les Brevets D’Invention is a comprehensive compilation of French patents that were officially documented after their expiration under the 1791 patent laws. This volume, printed in 1825, includes detailed descriptions and illustrations of various inventions, including some of the early firearms patents by notable inventors such as Jean Samuel Pauly, Henri Roux, and others. Authored by Gérard-Joseph Christian, the director of the Conservatoire royal des arts et métiers, and printed by Rosalie Huzard, this volume provides valuable insights into the technological advancements of the early 19th century. The content not only includes abstracts and quotes from the original patents but also focuses on the detailed drawings that accompanied these patents.


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